Diamond CBD Breaks $1M/Month

Diamond CBD Breaks $1M/Month

by Miguel Lozano

Services Rendered: Ads PPC, Web Development, SEO, Branding, Marketing.

Websites: www.diamondcbd.com | www.cbdmall.com | www.chillclouds.com

Picture this: Diamond CBD & Chill Brands, nestled in the bustling universe of wellness and relaxation, ready to shine but kinda stuck in the digital shadows. That's where I come in, your friendly neighborhood SEO wizard, tasked with conjuring up some serious digital alchemy. And oh, what a ride it's been - from obscure to omnipresent, here's the lowdown on how we turned the SEO game on its head.


First off, the battlefield: the world wide web, where keywords are your sword and SEO strategies your shield. My arsenal? A potent mix of keyword research, competitive analysis, content optimization, link building, and all the SEO magic tricks you can think of. The mission? Elevate Diamond CBD & Chill Brands from the depths of Page 2 obscurity to the spotlight of Page 1 glory.


Monitoring and reporting became my daily bread and butter. Tracking page rankings, web traffic trends, and on-page optimization for our internal projects wasn't just routine; it was ritual. Watching those numbers climb was like watching my favorite series on repeat – always satisfying.


But here's where the plot thickens: heavy collaboration across marketing departments. Picture a symphony of product owners, project managers, writers, graphic designers, and junior marketers, all playing different instruments. My role? The conductor, introducing, educating, and institutionalizing SOPs and creative standards, creating a harmonious masterpiece that accelerated our overall growth and output productivity.


The crescendo? Enabling over $2M in organic search revenue and skyrocketing our organic traffic on internal projects by 1000%. Yeah, you read that right – a tenfold increase that had us all popping virtual champagne in our Slack channels.


And because no tale of triumph is complete without a grand finale, here it is: implementing end-to-end SEO and marketing strategies for four clients, managing the entire process from the first spark of an idea to the final flourish of execution. It was like directing four blockbusters simultaneously, each with its own set of challenges, plot twists, and standing ovations.


So there you have it, my journey at Diamond CBD & Chill Brands, where SEO met innovation, and a dash of millennial flair turned digital dreams into reality. Here's to the hustlers, the dreamers, and the digital dynamos making waves in the vast ocean of the internet. May your traffic be high, and your bounce rates low. 🚀